Wednesday 6 March 2013

My 3 Favorite Lip Moisturizers

I am crazy about body moisturizers and when I'm feeling lazy to slather some on my body, I remind myself how it would be like when it is dehydrated (itchy and red :( ). Just recently, I've noticed that I've been putting so much attention on moisturizing my skin that I've almost neglected my lips. Yes! lips need moisturizing, too!

When my lips feel dry and chapped, I do not worry because my 3 friendly lip products come to the rescue! Here they are!

 From left to right: MAC Tinted Lip Conditioner in Petting Pink, Ilog Maria Honeybee Farm Honey, Beeswax and Propolis Lip Balm, Nivea Med Protection Lip Balm

Let's look at each product one by one shall we?

1) Nivea Med Protection Lip Balm

What it says on the box:
With natural ingredients bisabol and wheat germ oil that support that lips' natural moisturization process and protect them before they crack. NIVEA Med Protection lip care is a must-have in dry conditions.
  • Strengthens the resistance of your lips against external influences
  • Gives long lasting moisture
  • provides extra care and protection
  • Contains SPF 15, protection against UVA and UVB rays
I was in a hurry when I bought this and wasn't able to compare it to the other lip balms that were also there, but no regrets! I'm so thankful I got this! For just P89.00, you get hydrated lips that is protected against the harmful rays of the sun. I use this in the morning before my lip tint and it works great because it doesn't feel sticky but still gives the moisture your lips need. I sometimes also use this at night before I go to sleep, and my lips feel wonderful in the morning. This is a must-try!

2)  Ilog Maria Honeybee Farm Honey, Beeswax and Propolis Lip Balm

Product Description:
For soft kissable lips with fresh minty twist. Made from refined beeswax, Propolis Gold, Virgin Honey and a medley of fruit oils. Simply yummy. Excellent for wind-burned, cracked, dry and bleeding lips. (

My friend gave this to me and I want her to know how thankful I am to have tried it! I love natural products and this here is another one that won't disappoint! It's non-sticky, it feels great on the lips as it gives that minty kick, and... this is gonna be weird for others... but I love inhaling it because it makes me feel better and relaxed! seriously! it's like my lip balm and VapoRub in one! The scent is so relaxing! A lot of product is also in the container so I know this would last for a long time.

3) MAC Tinted Lip Conditioner in Petting Pink

If you want moisturized lips that lasts and give your lips a little bit of tint, then this product is for you! I love using this lip conditioner because it has SPF 15, it brightens up your face as it gives your lips some color, and it smells like vanilla I wanna eat it and sniff it all day! The only downside is the price (Php 950.00 is a little expensive for a lip balm); but don't worry, you won't run out of it right away as it contains a lot of product!

So, these are my favorite lip moisturizers! Keep your lips healthy and moisturized always :) Do you have favorite lip balms, too? :)


  1. I can't live and leave without lip balm. Any lip balm would do. :) As long as my lips are hydrated!!

  2. Ive been using vanicreme lip protectant for 2 years its a like lotion for your lips, im using this before i put on anything in my lips it has spf30 and it holds my lipstick longer wether its expensive or cheap lipstick lang... i bought it from my dermarologist!
