Wednesday 6 February 2013

LUSH Ocean Salt Scrub

Sorry for being on hiatus for such a long time!

My two gayest friends in the world (you know who you girls are! haha) and I decided to visit Lush one time after work. We've been so intrigued with their products because they produce natural cosmetics that we believe would somehow be beneficial (and less harsh) to our skin. We tested and bought different products when we were there but there was ONE product that struck the three of us and it's the OCEAN SALT SCRUB! We love it so much that we call it our FRIENDSHIP BODY SCRUB lol :D

Here it is!
  Please don't mind the dirt on the packaging! I used it the moment I got home (talk about excitement) and I forgot to take a picture of it brand new :(

As you can see, it's really meant as a Facial Scrub. But I mainly use it for the body (because I'm weird like that! haha!)

Packaging says: Lashings of fine sea salt to scrub and clean, limes to brighten and avocado butter to soften your skin. 

Wow very natural right? sounds good to me! But since I have extremely sensitive skin, I still check and read the full list of ingredients (not all natural are hypoallergenic)

This product contains: Sea Salt, Grapefruit, Avocado Butter, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Lime oil and Vodka, Glycerine, Lanolin (o oh...), Perfume

Lanolin is known to be a comedogenic ingredient, but since it's written almost at the end of the ingredient list (and to justify my purchase haha), I think it's gonna be alright (I really hope so!)

Now it's time to open this big goodie!

The product is placed in a black, deep tub and at the bottom you will see the creamy white part of the product that consists of the gentler salt granules. On the other hand,  you will see the creamy blue part on top, which has the rougher sea salt bits. You are supposed to mix the two parts together before use (you can use a popsicle stick or any mixing tool). Can you see how excited I was? I wasn't even able to mix the two parts together on my first use :( oh well :(

It looks like this! Looks so creamy and yummy I want to taste it haha! and the product really smells like lime!

What I love:
  •  exfoliating, yet non- drying
  • safe for sensitive skin
  • tub contains right amount of product (better if more, jk!)
  • smells good!
What I dislike:
  • some of the salt granules fall on the bathroom floor when I use it :(
  • the frugal in me says the price could be lower haha!

Of course, don't forget to moisturize after scrubbing!

Here's how to use the product and there's the price as well! I forgot to take a picture of the yellow sticker beside the "how to use" label. The best before date is written on that sticker!

Mine says manufactured on 10/17/12 and best before date is 12/16/13, so the product stays good for more than a year!

I bought the big tub by the way, there's a smaller one available if you want to test it first!
All in all, I think this product is worth purchasing!:D

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